05.01.2022 14:19:31
05.01.2022 14:02:29
For the first time, the customer service sent me a used account. After I communicated with the customer service, the customer service changed me to a new account. This shopping was very pleasant
05.01.2022 13:58:38
05.01.2022 13:34:31
05.01.2022 13:12:23
一开始是不行的,后来不知道为什么又行了,可能卖家给号开了会员?我也不太懂,但是领到了,搞了一个多小时,我在手机上它显示我要绑定什么地址我不太懂,然后在b站评论看到别人说电脑用加速器也可以登录亚马逊,所以我借了朋友的UU来加速然后胡搞乱搞莫名其妙就可以了,如果你显示的是Try prime是不行的,显示claim 才行,显示claim的话点击就可以直接绑定epic账户然后就可以领了,给我搞晕了,给这个卖家一个差评了,我看差评挺多的,可能也是像我这样不会弄的新手居多
05.01.2022 11:59:37
An honest seller.
05.01.2022 11:56:21
05.01.2022 11:55:32
A good seller. It was used and immediately changed to another one
05.01.2022 11:45:09
very nice,When the account I bought was activated, they changed my membership account
05.01.2022 11:15:37
very nice