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Внимание: игра может быть активирована только на территории одной из следующих стран: Россия, Армения, Азербайджан, Республика Беларусь, Грузия, Киргизстан, Казахстан, Республика Молдова Молдова, Таджикистан, Туркменистан, Украина и Узбекистан.
Warning: The game has territorial restrictions and can be activated only in one of the following countries: Russian Federation, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Republic of Moldova, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine and Uzbekistan.
Languages: English, Russian, and others.
Saints Row 2 - The criminal life is full of dangers. They lie in wait at every corner and it is unknown what will happen to you tomorrow: a bullet in the heart, a stone on the neck or on the wrist cuffs. However, the police - it is the lesser evil, is more dangerous to cross the road competitors. Oh, they do no stop at nothing to be the death you with light. Hero Saint´s Row «annoy" powerful gangs and he had to hurriedly flee from his native city. But he left, only to return one day ...
Thanks to plastic surgeons avenger can easily change the appearance - now sworn enemies guaranteed it will not recognize. The path to the heights of success, wealth and fame reopened, however, all have to start again. For a couple of years, the native town of Stillwater has changed dramatically: up unfamiliar skyscrapers, there were whole areas are struggling for power, new gang. Saint´s Row 2 will show the gangster life as you never saw her.
Features of the game Saints Row 2:
Infinite adjustment. In the game you can fully customize your character, choosing between a male or female. Vehicles in Saints Row 2, you can change the visual as well as complement the various devices.
Cooperativeness. Full company can be run online, with real players.
Multiplayer. Saints Row 2 provides a great multiplayer game. Play with real people in a world where a lot of police and in no wine passersby.
Skirmishes. Planes, helicopters, motorcycles, boats and cars can be used as a weapon.
The freedom of action. Many missions Saints Row 2, different activities, diversions, races, weapons, vehicles, city districts, and interiors. More than 40 missions, additional bonus scenes.
@MediaSoft - 20 years! The quality of time-tested!