✅ Registration of a personal Spotify Family for your account ✅
✅Adding your account to our account with a Family subscription ✅
⚜️ Family (1 Month) - we issue Spotify Family on your account, without any restrictions.
⚜️ Adding our account to the family - we add your account to our family subscription, where you can use Spotify Premium without any problems at a very low price and without any restrictions, the subscription will be valid for 1 month.
✅ After payment:
1️⃣ You will receive a unique 16-digit code by email.
2️⃣ Send this code to the seller via correspondence.
3️⃣ Provide your account login details (login and password).
4️⃣ If there is no account, the seller will create a new one (our data or yours).
❗️ Instructions:
🔸 Pay for your order.
🔸 Receive a link to the purchase page and a unique code by email.
🔸 Send the code and login details to the seller via correspondence.
✅ Example:
Unique code: PRIMERCODA123
Login: PRIMERLOGINA@login.com
🔰 Wait for the addition to the family, usually the addition takes from 10 to 30 minutes (up to 12 hours from the moment of payment, at night - until the morning of the next day).
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