Content: 00085_Проект локальной сети диспетчерского пункта.rar (435.43 KB)
Uploaded: 11.11.2024

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Working project for organizing the LAN of the control center:
To organize the LAN of the automated control system according to the above documents, it is planned to install two Catalyst WS-3550-24 switches in the MDF mounting cabinet (each with 24 Ethernet 10Base-T/100Base-TX ports, a 1000Base-SX GBIC module and a GigaStack GBIC module). The switches interact with each other using GigaStack GBIC modules. Interaction of the LAN switches in the Control Center building with the LAN switches in other buildings is planned using a fiber-optic cable and 1000Base-SX GBIC modules.
To provide power, an uninterruptible power supply (UPS) Smart UPS1400 RMINET with a Network Management Card EX (AP9617) card providing UPS management is provided. The remaining power-consuming components of the LAN (user computers, network and local printers) at work stations are connected to uninterruptible power supply sockets.

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Tags: gas compressor station, control center
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