Selling referrals for the following projects:
💣 BOMBIE (20 LVL referral)
🌠 Tiny Verse (@tverse / @TVerseAppBot)
🍵 Cattea (@CatteaAIbot)
(The list is being updated)
1. Pay for the order by first indicating your referral link
2. Send the unique code from the order page to the seller in a private message
3. We check the unique code, inform you about the start of your order
4. After the order is completed, we ask you to check and confirm the
5. Done!
All available levels of daily rewards for BOMBIE ⬇️⬇️⬇️
The quantity for purchase is limited to a thousand units, an order of more than 1,000 referrals can be discussed in private messages
Don´t forget to send the unique code from the order page in private messages, without it I won´t be able to fulfill the order
I am not responsible for possible restrictions from the developers due to referral boosting, including their complete write-off
Small errors on the higher side are possible (for example, if you bought 8 referrals, 10 may come)
💲 A full refund is made ONLY in case of problems on our part, otherwise 20% is withheld from the amount you paid upon return