Final exam RFEI "Theory of Economic Analysis" 63 Questions.
A few questions from the test:
1.Mnozhestvo component parts (elements) that are connected (linked) with each other and work hard for the law - is it?
a) the structure;
b) the system;
c) the hierarchy;
d) synthesis.
2.A Which of the following groups are the owners of the enterprise, those who give the company the money lent (banks, etc.), Distributors, buyers, the tax authorities, the staff and the management of the enterprise?
a) directly concerned in the enterprise users of information;
b) to indirectly interested in the enterprise users of information;
c) to indirectly interested in the enterprise users of information;
d) a direct interest in the enterprise users of information.
3.K Which of the following groups include accounting firms, consultants, stock exchanges, lawyers, the media, associations, trade unions?
a) directly concerned in the enterprise users of information;
b) to indirectly interested in the enterprise users of information;
c) to indirectly interested in the enterprise users of information;
d) a direct interest in the enterprise users of information.
Other questions included.
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