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Тест №3 с ответами по английскому языку для дистанционному обучению ELMS для ЕАИС и других институтов

Примеры:Ex. 1. Write your answers in the boxes.
1. ... you read these articles last year?
а) do
b) did
с) have
2. ... your parents in the dining-room now?
а) have
b) are
c) do
3. ... they finished the work?
а) do
b) will
с) have
4. Is there ... interesting in this article?
а) something
b) anything
с) any
5. Have you ... books on your speciality?
а) anything
b) some
с) any
6. Ноw many exams ... this year?
а) have you taken
b) you took
с) you have taken
d) did you take

№5. Read the passage, translate and answer the questions below. Put a cross () in
the box next to the correct answer, as in the example.

According to some people, a university degree is a waste of time and money, leaving
graduates not only in serious debt, but also worse off in terms of job prospects and
pay expectations than school-leavers Are they right? Or is university still a worthwhile
experience? We asked for your views. Here´s what you said.

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